Facts & Statistics
San Diego County
In 2022, there were 10 domestic violence homicide victims of which the suspect was a current or former intimate partner, an 11% increase from 2021.
Local Resources
Here are a few more resources you may not have know about within the county of San Diego
Did you know that Catholic Charities can answer questions regarding immigration issues?
Catholic Charities
Did you know that 211 can provide you with community resources including, but not limited to DV resources?
211 San Diego
Did you know that the San Diego County District Attorney's Office has a Victims Assistance Program that provides comprehensive services to victims of all types of crime, including victims of domestic violence, and that it is the District Attorney's Office's policy to assist victims in obtaining restitution orders from convicted defendants in every appropriate case?
San Diego County District Attorney’s office
Did you know that Children in Need, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable corporation organized by employees of the Health and Human Services Agency that provides financial support to assist disadvantaged children’s participation in sports, arts and other enrichment activities?
Health & Human Services Agency
Did you know that Rancho Coastal Humane Society runs an Animal Safehouse Program that offers short-term crisis boarding for the pets of domestic violence survivors that are actively seeking safety?
Rancho Coastal Humane Society