Professional Training
Professional Training is available in a variety of skill levels:
Domestic Violence Essentials: “DV Essentials” is a beginning level training for professionals and students and is offered at no cost by the SDDVC. Topics include developing a basic understanding of domestic violence (definitions, types of abuse, dynamics, risk factors), screening, safety considerations, local DV resources, criminal justice response, strangulation, and the impact of DV on children. DV Essentials is offered 1-2 times annually. Contact Terra.Marroquin@sdcda.org for upcoming dates.
Domestic Violence E-Learning: Basic training on domestic violence. This is a basic pre-requisite online course (about 45 min) for Domestic Violence Essentials. Take the course here. Note that there is no certificate upon completion. You may want to take a screenshot or photo of your quiz results at the end. If the training does not load right away, try pasting the link into a different browser.
Health CARES About Domestic Violence: A special initiative dedicated to supporting healthcare staff be better prepared to serve the needs of DV survivors including screening, education, awareness, connection to supportive services, and understanding how to assist survivors who have experienced DV strangulation. Visit www.sdcountyhealthcares.org to learn more. You may contact Mia.Hall@sdcounty.ca.gov or Amelia.Barile-Simon@sdcounty.ca.gov to request printed or digital items or training for healthcare staff.
Domestic Violence 40-66 Hour Trainings: Each of the five major DV shelter services agencies offers CalOES approved Domestic Violence 40-66 Hour counselor training opportunities at a minimal cost. This is an in-depth training covering domestic violence dynamics, services, the criminal justice system response and more. This training prepares you to volunteer or seek employment with domestic violence service agencies. The 60-66-hour trainings include an extra 20-25 hours focused on assisting individuals who have experienced sexual assault. Contact Terra.Marroquin@sdcda.org for a current list of organizations offering these trainings.
Advanced Training: We organize professional training on a variety of family violence-related topics each year. You can join the SDDVC email list or follow us on Facebook or Instagram to get the training announcements. To be added to our SDDVC email list contact Mia.Hall@sdcounty.ca.gov. In 2023, we will be hosting many of our SDDVC advanced trainings virtually during the General Meetings on the third Tues of the month 1-3 pm – Look for the email announcements.
Mandated Reporter Online Training:
Child Abuse & Neglect: https://www.mandatedreporterca.com/
Elder and dependent adult abuse and neglect: Adult Protective Services (APS) (sandiegocounty.gov)
Healthcare Suspicious Injury Reporting & More: https://www.sdcda.org/helping/dvtraining/story_html5.html